Hossein Adeli

Associate Research Scientist
Kriegeskorte lab
Zuckerman Institute for Brain Mind Behavior
Columbia University
New York, NY

I am interested in using deep neural networks to study how the visual system combines top-down and attention modulations with bottom-up and lateral connectivity to efficiently group visual input into objects. At the Kriegeskorte lab, I am applying this approach to build computational hypotheses of the brain mechanisms of face perception and to evaluate them by building methods for optimizing controversial and adversarial stimuli to drive computational models’ and brain responses during face recognition.

Previously, I was a Senior Postdoctoral Fellow in the Eye Cognition Lab at Stony Brook University psychology department, where I had also recieved my Ph.D. in Cognitive Science.

curriculum vitae CV as pdf / google scholar / github


News - Updates

June 2024 - Our work on The attentive reconstruction of objects facilitates robust object recognition was published in PLOS Computational Biology [link]

June 2024 - Gave a presentation at Amirkabir (Tehran Polytechnic) university in Farsi on our work on predicting brain activity with transformers. [talk on youtube]

May 2024 - Presented our work on object grouping at VSS 2024 and at our symposium Using deep networks to re-imagine object-based attention and perception.

April 2024 - Developed a tutorial for the neuromatch neuroai course on Computation as transformation of representational geometries. Check it out (here)

Feb 2024 - Our symposium submission on Using deep networks to re-imagine object-based attention and perception is accepted for the 2024 Vision Sciences Society meeting (VSS)

Nov 2023 - Gave a talk on our work on predicting brain activity with transformers at Latin American Workshop on Computational Neuroscience (LAWCN)

Oct 2023 - Gave a talk on our work on predicting brain activity with transformers at NeuroAI Montreal

Aug 2023 - Gave a talk on our work on predicting fMRI activity using encoder-decoder transformers at CCN2023 [talk on youtube]

Aug 2023 - Gave a poster presentation on our work on predicting dynamics of object grouping in humans at CCN2023 [poster]

July 2023 - Our submission to algonaust achieved 2nd place [Algonauts leader board][report][code]

June 2023 - New preprint on predicting dynamics of object grouping in humans using self-supervised transformers [paper][code]

May 2023 - Gave a poster presentation on our work on predicting dynamics of object grouping in humans at VSS2023

May 2023 - Released our dataset on dynamics of object grouping in humans [data]

May 2023 - Our work on A brain-inspired object-based attention network for multiobject recognition and visual reasoning is out in Journal of Vision [paper][preprint][code]